Telephone: 01-6404484 | Mobile: 00353 87 202 8864 | Email:
Delcom can offer every type of underground cable installation that you might need.
BLOWN FIBRE: all sizes of blown fibre cable from 4mm to 16mm /24 fibre to 144 fibre count installed with plummett minijet equipment
Distances of 4km achievable blown 2km each way depending on fibre route.
SUBDUCTS: single and multiple subducts installed ranging in size from 8mm/6mm 14mm/10mm blown fibre tubing as well as 25mm/32mm/37mm
single subducts or multi. Pressure testing of blown fibre ducts.
FIBRE: Conventional pulled fibre installed with fibre assist winches up to 4km per section.
E SIDE AND D SIDE COPPER CABLING: Installation of 2pr to 200pr D side grease cables. Installation of 100pr. to 4800e pr E side cables.
ELECTRIC CABLING: All LV,MV,HV cables installed
ALU,CU, SWA up to 138kv Fully road legal unimogs with cable trailers up
to 10 tonne and land rovers with 5tonne winches able to access any area
to get any job done efficently and safely. Winch with data recording of
cable pulls.
ROD/ROPE/TEST OF DUCTS: Testing of ducts with brush and manderal and capstan winches.
CABLE EQUIPMENT HIRE: Trailers from 750kg to 10 tonne twin axle. Winches from 500kg king winch to 5 tonne seb winch with data recorder
continuos rods to 250m/14mm rollers, bellmouths, grips etc.